Sole Agent, Portable Oil in Water Analyzer : Alat Ukur Kandungan Minyak Pada Air, Crude Oil in Water FQ-C.Oil-A, Portable handheld Oil in Water analyzer Teknologi terbaru harga competitive, deteksi kuantitatif cepat pencemaran minyak di sumber daya air, simpel, mudah pengoperasian alat, layar sentuh, data tersimpan dalam memori, info harga :, sms/call : 0812.192.78942
Crude Oil in Water
Type : FQ-C.Oil-A
Product : Amiscience-USA
Specification :
- Product Type: Single Tube Fluorometer
- Read Type: Discrete
- Sample Volume: 200 µL using mini glass tube
- Dynamic Range: > 5 Orders of Magnitude
- Read Out: RFU or Direct Concentration
- Calibration: Two-Point Calibration (blank and standard)
- User Interface: Touch Screen LCD Display
- Power: 4 AA Batteries or 5V DC Power Adaptor
- Computer Interface: USB Interface to Retrieve up to 80x3 Data Points
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 185mm x 90mm x 35mm
- Drinking Water Monitoring
- Natural Water Resource Monitoring
- Environmental Study
- Water-Cooling Systems